See also: Appendix:Variations of "cais"
Alternative forms
- Cáis (reintegrationist)
- IPA(key): [ˈ], [ˈkai̯s]
Proper noun
- Cádiz (a city in Cádiz, Spain)
- 1812, Ramón González Senra, Carta recomendada:
- oín eu decer en Cais unha vez que un reino que lle chaman Bolanda , que non é máis grande nin millor que Galicia, fixera máis de dous mil navíos en poucos anos, e andaba levando e traendo dun lado para o outro como os maragatos, e ganaban millós
- I heard once in Cádiz that there is a kingdom called Holland, which is no larger of better than Galicia, which built more than two thousand large ships in just a few years, and was carrying from here to there, as muleteers, and they earned millions
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