
See also: core, Core, CORE, Coré, côre, çore, and co-r.e.



Derived from hardcore (hardcore punk; a particularly fast and intense form of punk rock).



  1. (music) Denoting a genre of music, especially one influenced by hardcore music.
    Coordinate terms: -step, -wave
    gloom + -coregloomcore
    metal + -coremetalcore
    rap + -corerapcore
    speed + -corespeedcore
  2. (rare, by extension) Denoting a genre, movement, subculture, or group.
    maso(chist) + -coremasocore (a genre of games where survival and winning are intentionally made extremely difficult)
    mumble + -coremumblecore (an American independent film movement or subgenre, characterised by low-budget production, etc.)
    nerd + -corenerdcore (the most dedicated nerds)
    homo + -corehomocore (an artistic and musical movement dealing with issues of sexual and gender prejudice)
  3. (chiefly Internet slang) Denoting an aesthetic or vibe.
    cottage + -corecottagecore
    grandma + -coregrandmacore
    norm + -corenormcore
    trauma + -coretraumacore

Derived terms

  • core ("an aesthetic ending in the suffix -core")
English terms suffixed with -core (music)
English terms suffixed with -core (type)
English terms suffixed with -core (aesthetic)



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