Etymology 1
From Proto-Athabaskan *tatłʼ (“to act abruptly with the foot”), in bases related to stepping, stomping, kicking. Also occurs in a meaning related to bursting and exploding.
Cognate root found in Ahtna yiztał (“he shoved it once with his foot”), yuninitaatlʼ (“he kicked at it”), iʼdiiłtatlʼ (“I burst something”), Carrier əstał (“to kick”), dîstəł (“to explode”).
Theme | Category | Bases | Transitive bases | ||||
∅ | motion |
S steps
l |
S steps about, is angry,
di + ∅ | motion |
(dzi) + ∅ | successive |
S kicks Motion:
Successive (without dzi-):
S kicks P
l | motion |
S dashes |
- See also other roots of attacking like -DON (“to shoot”), -GHAAL (“to bat”), -TʼOH (“to shoot”), -TŁʼIN (“to sling”), -TSXIZ (“to whip”) etc, for a similar alternation between dzi- (“away into space”), yíní- (repetitive), yíníi- (semelfactive) and adi- (“to be given to —, to be a —er”, iterative) in successive themes.
Theme | Category | Bases | Transitive bases (O + ł) | ||||
l | successive |
S pops
S pops O
- The first two bases are seriative forms of the “dash” theme above.
Stem set
Aspect | IMP | PERF | FUT | ITER | OPT |
MOM | -taał | -táál | -tał | -tał | -taał |
CONT | -taał / tal | -táál | -tał | -tał | -taał |
REP | -tał | -tał | -tał | -tał | -tał |
SER | -tał | -táál | -tał | -tał | -tał |
SEM | -tał | -tał | -tał | -tał | -tał |
See also Appendix: Roots and stems derivation.
Derived terms
Navajo terms belonging to the root -TÁÁL (move foot)
Etymology 2
Probably identical to the above root. Occurs in Southern Athabaskan in bases related to singing or holding a ceremony.
Compare Ahtna deltatl’ (“make a speech”), Lower Tanana deltutł (“he is talking loudly”), Carrier dəztəl (“to shout”), themselves extension of the bursting / explosion meaning above.
Theme | Category | Bases | Transitive bases (O + ł) | ||||
ho + ∅ | operative |
S sings
Stem set
Aspect | IMP | PERF | FUT | ITER | OPT |
MOM / DUR | -taał | -táál | -tał | -tał | -taał |
to sing:
- -ʼĄ́
- -ʼAʼ
- -KʼAAZH (falsetto)
Derived terms
Navajo terms belonging to the root -TÁÁL (sing)