
See also: мен, Мен, мӗн, мең, мөн, Мэн, and Appendix:Variations of "men"


Alternative scripts
Arabic ـمەن
İske imlâ برلان
Cyrillic -мен
Latin -men


Haplologised variant of -менен (-menen).


  • IPA(key): [mʲen]
  • Hyphenation: -мен


-мен • (-men)

  1. Forms the joint comitativeinstrumental case
    1. Forms the comitative case
      достармен шүйіркелесуdostarmen şüiırkelesuto have a heart-to-heart talk with friends
    2. Forms the instrumental case
      қаламмен жазуqalammen jazuto write with a pen
      машинамен жүруmaşinamen jüruto go by car

Usage notes

The suffix is not ruled by vowel harmony. It is agglutinated after a vowel or a voiced non-sibilant consonant. When words end with voiced sibilants and voiceless consonants, assimilated variants -бен (-ben) and -пен (-pen) are respectively used.

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