- IPA(key): [ˈɛnt͡sɛ]
-енце • (-ence) n
- Appended to words to create a neuter noun, usually to form a diminutive or as an expression of endearment.
- прст m (prst) + -енце (-ence) → прстенце n (prstence)
- еж m (ež) + -енце (-ence) → еженце n (ežence)
- кукла f (kukla) + -енце (-ence) → кукленце n (kuklence)
- девојче n (devojče) + -енце (-ence) → девојченце n (devojčence)
- писмо n (pismo) + -енце (-ence) → писменце n (pismence)
- куче n (kuče) + -енце (-ence) → кученце n (kučence)
Derived terms
Macedonian terms suffixed with -енце
-енце (Latin spelling -ence)
- Suffix appended to words to create a neuter noun, usually to form a diminutive or as an expression of endearment, or to denote an object.
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