𗁲 (radical 𘠁+9, 10 strokes, composition ⿲𘠁𘢡𘤕)
- hair; feather
- Transliteration of Middle Chinese 昧 (/muʌiH/).
- 𗁲𗓌𘎤𗣀𘁂 (*mej² ? tjɨ¹ rjijr² ꞏja²)
- 𗁲𗜭 (*mej² dạ¹)
- 𗁲𗨌 (*mej² njwɨ¹)
- 𗁲𗬻 (*mej² ko̱r¹)
- 𗁲𗭮 (*mej² źjow¹)
- 𗁲𗭵 (*mej² rjijr²)
- 𗁲𗼹 (*mej² dźjwo²)
- 𗁲𘁙 (*mej² dźjwa¹)
- 𗁲𘂏 (*mej² biẹj¹)
- 𗁲𘎴 (*mej² kạ¹)
- 𗁲𘘒 (*mej² wer¹)
- 𗸸𗤋𘋅𗁲 (*thju̱¹ mjij¹ sã¹ mej²)
- 𘝋𗁲 (*dzjwɨ² mej²)
- 𗙏𘙰 [*ɣiẹ² lew², Tóngyīn / Homophones] (in Tangut), 12th c.:
- A edition: folio 04B, column 1, character 1
- B edition: folio 05A, column 7, character 5
- Li Fanwen (2012) 簡明夏漢字典 [Concise Xia-Han Dictionary] (in Chinese), revised edition, character 2563
- Miyake, Marc (2019) “Tangut Phonetic Database 4.0”, in amritas.com
- Kychanov, Yevgeny (2006) Словарь тангутского (Си Ся) языка [Slovarʹ tangutskovo (Si Sja) jazyka, Dictionary of the Tangut (Xi Xia) Language] (in Russian), character 2179-0
- Sofronov, Mikhail Viktorovich (1968) Грамматика тангутского языка [Grammatika tangutskovo jazyka, Grammar of the Tangut Language] (in Russian), character 1517
- Nishida, Tatsuo (1966) 西夏文小字典 [Little Dictionary of Tangut] (in Japanese), character 39-095
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