𐎹𐎒𐎴𐎠 𐏐 𐎫𐎹𐎑𐎹 𐏐 πŽ­πŽΌπŽΉπƒπŽΉπŽ 

Old Persian


Literally means "Greeks who are by the Sea", from 𐎹𐎒𐎴𐎠 (y-u-n-a /⁠Yaunā⁠/, β€œGreek”) + 𐎫𐎹𐎑𐎹 (t-y-i-y /⁠tayaiy⁠/, β€œwho, which”) + πŽ­πŽΌπŽΉπƒπŽΉπŽ  (d-r-y-h-y-a /⁠drayahyā⁠/, β€œat the sea”),[1] in reference to them living on the same side of the Aegean Sea with respect to the Achaemenid Empire in contrast to the European Greeks, termed 𐎹𐎒𐎴𐎠 𐏐 𐎫𐎹𐎑𐎹 𐏐 𐎱𐎼𐎭𐎼𐎹 (y-u-n-a : t-y-i-y : p-r-d-r-y, β€œYaunā tayaiy paradraya”, literally β€œGreeks who are across the Sea”), who lived on the opposite side the Aegean Sea as the Persians.


Proper noun

𐎹𐎒𐎴𐎠 𐏐 𐎫𐎹𐎑𐎹 𐏐 πŽ­πŽΌπŽΉπƒπŽΉπŽ  (Yaunā tayaiy drayahyā)

  1. Asian Greeks, Greeks who live on the western coast of Anatolia
    • 522 BCE – 486 BCE, Darius I, DSe 26-31
      𐏐 𐎠𐎰𐎒𐎼𐎠 𐏐 𐎠𐎼𐎲𐎠𐎹 𐏐 𐎸𐎒𐎭𐎼𐎠𐎹 𐏐
      𐎠𐎼𐎷𐎑𐎴 𐏐 𐎣𐎫𐎱𐎬𐎒𐎣 𐏐 𐎿𐎱𐎼𐎭 𐏐 𐎹𐎒𐎴𐎠
      𐏐 𐎫𐎹𐎑𐎹 𐏐 πŽ­πŽΌπŽΉπƒπŽΉπŽ 
      𐏐 𐎒𐎫𐎠 𐏐 𐎫𐎹𐎑𐎹
      𐏐 𐎱𐎼𐎭𐎼𐎹 𐏐 𐎿𐎀𐎒𐎭𐎼 𐏐 𐎹𐎒𐎴𐎠 𐏐 𐎫𐎹𐎑𐎹
      𐎱𐎼𐎭𐎼𐎹 𐏐 𐎣𐎼𐎣𐎠 𐏐 𐎰𐎠𐎫𐎑𐎹 𐏐 𐎭𐎠𐎼𐎹𐎺𐎒𐏁
      𐏐 𐏋 𐏐 𐎺𐎿𐎑𐎹 𐏐 𐎫𐎹 𐏐 𐎯𐎒𐏁𐎣𐎼𐎫𐎢
      : a-ΞΈ-u-r-a : a-r-b-a-y : mu-u-d-r-a-y :
      a-r-mi-i-n : k-t-p-tu-u-k : s-p-r-d : y-u-n-a
      : t-y-i-y : d-r-y-h-y-a
      : u-t-a : t-y-i-y
      : p-r-d-r-y : s-ku-u-d-r : y-u-n-a : t-y-i-y
      p-r-d-r-y : k-r-k-a : ΞΈ-a-t-i-y : d-a-r-y-v-u-Ε‘
      : XΕ  : v-s-i-y : t-y : du-u-Ε‘-k-r-t-m
      /: AΞΈurā : Arabāya : Mudrāya :
      Armina : Katpatuka : Sparda : Yaunā
      : tayaiy : drayahyā
       : utā : tayaiy
      : paradraya : Skudra : Yaunā : tayaiy
      paradraya : Karkā : θātiy : DārayavauΕ‘
      : xőāyaΞΈiya : vasiy : tya : duΕ‘kartam

      [...] Assyria, Arabia, Egypt,
      Armenia, Cappadocia, Lydia, the Greeks
      who are by the Sea
      and who are
      across the Sea, Thrace, the Greeks who are
      across the Sea. Saith Darius
      the King: much which was ill-done [...]


  • Text: DSe, Part No. 41, Old Persian Corpus, TITUS: Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
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