

For pronunciation and definitions of まわり – see the following entries.
[counter] a turn, times around something
[noun] 回り, 廻り: rotation, circulation; function
[noun] 周り: circumference, perimeter, edge
[noun] 周り: surroundings
[noun] 回り, 廻り: round, regular visit
[noun] 回り, 廻り: transport route
[noun] 回り, 廻り: detour
[noun] 回り, 廻り: spreading, extending further
[noun] (women's speech) side dish
[noun] relating to something else
[suffix] (used in comparisons) a little, a bit
[suffix] circumference, perimeter
[suffix] via, by way of a place
[suffix] the round of something or someone
[suffix] duodecennium, a period of twelve years
[suffix] unit of size in clothing
Alternative spellings
廻り, 周り
(This term, まわり, is the hiragana spelling of the above terms.)
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