

For pronunciation and definitions of けいま – see the following entry.
[noun] (shogi) a cassia or laurelled horse (piece that can move two spaces forward then one space left or right), erroneously called in most literature as the equivalent of the “knight” in Western chess
[noun] (by extension of the cassia horse’s movement) a quibble, sophistry, or other incoherent argument
[noun] (go) a stone placed orthogonally similar to how a keima in shogi or knight in Western chess moves from another stone of the same color
[noun] such a move with one stone is called a 桂馬 (shō-geima)
[noun] such a move done with two stones (may be in succession) is called a 桂馬 (dai-geima)
(This term, けいま, is the hiragana spelling of the above term.)
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