
See also: ぎょうしゃ


For pronunciation and definitions of きょうしゃ – see the following entries.
[noun] (literal) a strong person
[noun] (shogi) an incense chariot (piece that can move any number of free spaces forward)
[noun] (by extension of being also called a “lance”) a procurer who cuts prostitutes around as a means of control or cracking down
(This term, きょうしゃ, is the hiragana spelling of the above terms.)

(The following entries are uncreated: 狂者, 怯者, 俠者, 狭斜, 驕奢.)


きょうしゃ • (kyōsha) 

  1. 狂者:
  2. 怯者: cowardly person
  3. 俠者: chivalrous person
  4. 狭斜: red-light district
  5. 驕奢:
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