

For pronunciation and definitions of おおうち – see the following entry.
[noun] the spacious interior of something with a narrow opening
[proper noun] Synonym of 内裏 (Dairi, Imperial Palace)
[proper noun] A town in Akita Prefecture, Japan
[proper noun] A village in Haga district, Tochigi Prefecture, Japan
[proper noun] A village in Nasu district, Tochigi Prefecture, Japan
[proper noun] (history) A town in Yoshiki district, Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan
[proper noun] (history) A town in Hata district, Kōchi Prefecture, Japan
[proper noun] (history) A village in Igu district, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan
[proper noun] a surname
(This term, おおうち, is the hiragana spelling of the above term.)
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