

Etymology 1

From Old Japanese, from Proto-Japonic *atu.



あつい • (atsui) -i (adverbial あつく (atsuku))

  1. 熱い: (of an object or feeling) hot
  2. 熱い: (of one's body temperature) hot, feverish
  3. 熱い: ardent, enthusiastic, impassionate
  4. 熱い: (of love between a couple) passionate
  5. 暑い: (of weather) hot, baking
Derived terms
  • あつさ: (noun) hotness
  • あつがる: (verb) to feel hot
  • あつげ: (quasi-adjective) to look hot

Etymology 2

From Old Japanese.


(all senses):

  • Tokyo pitch accent of inflected forms of "厚い"
Source: Online Japanese Accent Dictionary
Stem forms
Continuative (連用形) 厚く つく [àtsúkú]
Terminal (終止形) 厚い つい
Attributive (連体形) 厚い つい [àtsúí]
Key constructions
Informal negative 厚くない つくな [àtsúkúnáꜜì]
Informal past 厚かった かった [àtsúꜜkàttà]
Informal negative past 厚くなかった つくなかった [àtsúkúnáꜜkàttà]
Formal 厚いです いです [àtsúꜜìdèsù]
Conjunctive 厚くて くて [àtsúꜜkùtè]
Conditional 厚ければ ければ [àtsúꜜkèrèbà]


  • (Tokyo) [àtsúꜜì] (Nakadaka – [2])[1]
  • IPA(key): [a̠t͡sɨᵝi]


あつい • (atsui) -i (adverbial あつく (atsuku))

  1. 厚い: thick
    Antonym: 薄い (usui)
    (あつ)(ほん)atsui honthick book
    (あつ)(かべ)atsui kabesolid wall
    (だい)(とう)(りょう)()()(そう)(あつ)daitōryō no shijisō wa atsui.The president has a broad base of support.
  2. 厚い, 篤い: hearty, sincere, warm
    (あつ)(しん)(らい)atsui shinraistrong faith
    (あつ)(ゆう)(じょう)atsui yūjōgreat friendship
    (かれ)(じょう)あつい(ひと)だ。kare wa jō ni atsui hito da.He is an affectionate man.
    (しん)(こう)(あつ)キリスト(きょう)()shinkō no atsui kirisuto kyōtoa devout Christian
  3. 篤い: (of sickness) serious
Derived terms


  1. Matsumura, Akira, editor (2006), 大辞林 [Daijirin] (in Japanese), Third edition, Tōkyō: Sanseidō, →ISBN
  2. Kindaichi, Kyōsuke et al., editors (1974), 新明解国語辞典 [Shin Meikai Kokugo Jiten] (in Japanese), Second edition, Tōkyō: Sanseidō
  3. NHK Broadcasting Culture Research Institute, editor (1998), NHK日本語発音アクセント辞典 [NHK Japanese Pronunciation Accent Dictionary] (in Japanese), Tōkyō: NHK Publishing, →ISBN
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