Selected forms of ᡩᠣᠰᠣᠮᠪᡳ ()
type ho-ro
type ho-ro
Sentence-final forms | ||||||||
Indicative | Simple | Progressive | Perfect | |||||
Present-future | ᡩᠣᠰᠣᠮᠪᡳ (dosombi) | ᡩᠣᠰᠣᠮᡝ ᠪᡳ (dosome bi) |
ᡩᠣᠰᠣᡥᠣᠪᡳ (dosohobi) | |||||
Past | ᡩᠣᠰᠣᡥᠣ (dosoho) | ᡩᠣᠰᠣᠮᠪᡳᡥᡝ (dosombihe) | ᡩᠣᠰᠣᠮᠪᡳᡥᡝᠪᡳ (dosombihebi) | |||||
Future | ᡩᠣᠰᠣᡵᠣ (dosoro) | — | — | |||||
Interrogative | Affirmative | Negative | ||||||
Non-past | ᡩᠣᠰᠣᠣ (dosoo) | ᡩᠣᠰᠣᡵᠠᡴᡡᠨ (dosorakūn) | ||||||
Past | ᡩᠣᠰᠣᡥᠣᠣ (dosohoo) | ᡩᠣᠰᠣᡥᠠᡴᡡᠨ (dosohakūn) | ||||||
Affirmative | Negative | |||||||
Imperative | ᡩᠣᠰᠣ (doso) | ᡠᠮᡝ ᡩᠣᠰᠣᡵᠣ (ume dosoro) | ||||||
Normal | Strong | |||||||
Desiderative | ᡩᠣᠰᠣᡴᡳ (dosoki) | ᡩᠣᠰᠣᡴᡳ ᠰᡝᠮᠪᡳ (dosoki sembi) | ||||||
Normal | Polite | |||||||
Optative | ᡩᠣᠰᠣᡴᡳᠨᡳ (dosokini), ᡩᠣᠰᠣᡴᡳ (dosoki) | ᡩᠣᠰᠣᡵᠣᠣ (dosoroo), ᡩᠣᠰᠣᠴᡳᠨᠠ (dosocina) | ||||||
Converbs | ||||||||
Coordinative (Infinitive) | ᡩᠣᠰᠣᠮᡝ (dosome) | |||||||
Subordinative (Past gerund) | ᡩᠣᠰᠣᡶᡳ (dosofi) | |||||||
Conditional | ᡩᠣᠰᠣᠴᡳ (dosoci) | |||||||
Durative | ᡩᠣᠰᠣᡥᠣᡳ (dosohoi) | |||||||
Terminative | ᡩᠣᠰᠣᡨᠣᠯᠣ (dosotolo) | |||||||
Instrumental | ᡩᠣᠰᠣᡨᠣᡳ (dosotoi) | |||||||
Preparative | ᡩᠣᠰᠣᠩᡤᠣᠯᠣ (dosonggolo) | |||||||
Concessive | ᡩᠣᠰᠣᠴᡳᠪᡝ (dosocibe) | |||||||
Adverbial | ᡩᠣᠰᠣᡵᠣᠯᠠᠮᡝ (dosorolame) | |||||||
Participles | ||||||||
Non-past | Past | |||||||
Positive | ᡩᠣᠰᠣᡵᠣ (dosoro) | ᡩᠣᠰᠣᡥᠣ (dosoho) | ||||||
Negative | ᡩᠣᠰᠣᡵᠠᡴᡡ (dosorakū) | ᡩᠣᠰᠣᡥᠠᡴᡡ (dosohakū) | ||||||
Verbal noun | ᡩᠣᠰᠣᡵᠣᠩᡤᡝ (dosorongge) | ᡩᠣᠰᠣᡥᠣᠩᡤᡝ (dosohongge) | ||||||
Note: Some of these forms may be hypothetical. Not every possible conjugated form of every verb actually occurs. |
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