ᐅᐢᑲᓇ ᑳᐊᓴᑌᑭ
Alternative forms
- ᐅᔅᑲᓇ ᑳᐊᓴᑌᑭ (oskana kaaasateki)
- Oskana kâ-asatêki
From being the place where the nomadic Cree hunters would pile the bison bones of their kills. The literal meaning is "the place where bones are piled".
Proper noun
ᐅᐢᑲᓇ ᑳᐊᓴᑌᑭ (oskana kaaasateki)
- (western Cree spelling) Regina (capital city of the Canadian province Saskatchewan
- English: Wascana
- English: Wascana Creek
- English: Wascana Lake
- English: Wascana Creek
- English: Many-bone Creek
- English: Bone Creek
- English: Bone Creek Wilderness
- English: Rural Municipality of Bone Creek
- English: Pile of Bones
- English: Bone Creek
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