Alternative forms
ນາມ n
- Lao script form of nāma (“name”)
- 2017 July 19, Vinodh Rajan, Ben Mitchell, Martin Jansche, Sascha Brawer, “Proposal to Encode Lao Characters for Pali (revised)”, in Unicode Document Register L2017/17106r (PDF), page 21:
- ໂກຘໍ ຊເຫ ວິປ຺ປຊເຫຍ຺ຍ ມານໍ
ສຎ຺ໂຎຊນໍ ສພ຺ພມຕິກ຺ກເມຍ຺ຍ
ຕໍ ນາມຣູປສ຺ມິມສຊ຺ຊມານໍ
ອກິຎຈນໍ* ນານຸປຕນ຺ຕິ ສງ຺ຄາຕິ
*Taken as typo for ອກິຎ຺ຈນໍ and treated as such below.- kodhaṃ jahe vippajaheyya mānaṃ saññojanaṃ sabbamatikkameyya taṃ nāmarūpasmimasajjamānaṃ akiñcanaṃ nānupatanti saṅgāti
- If he has given anger up, if he has abandoned conceit, if he has overcome every fetter, attachments do not afflict him who clings to nothing immaterial or material and has nothing.
Declension table of "ນາມ" (neuter)
Case \ Number | Singular | Plural |
Nominative (first) | ນາມໍ (nāmaṃ) | ນາມານິ (nāmāni) |
Accusative (second) | ນາມໍ (nāmaṃ) or ນາມ (nāma) | ນາມານິ (nāmāni) |
Instrumental (third) | ນາເມນ (nāmena) | ນາເມຫິ (nāmehi) or ນາເມຠິ (nāmebhi) |
Dative (fourth) | ນາມສ຺ສ (nāmassa) or ນາມາຍ (nāmāya) or ນາມຕ຺ຖໍ (nāmatthaṃ) | ນາມານໍ (nāmānaṃ) |
Ablative (fifth) | ນາມສ຺ມາ (nāmasmā) or ນາມມ຺ຫາ (nāmamhā) or ນາມາ (nāmā) | ນາເມຫິ (nāmehi) or ນາເມຠິ (nāmebhi) |
Genitive (sixth) | ນາມສ຺ສ (nāmassa) | ນາມານໍ (nāmānaṃ) |
Locative (seventh) | ນາມສ຺ມິໍ (nāmasmiṃ) or ນາມມ຺ຫິ (nāmamhi) or ນາເມ (nāme) | ນາເມສຸ (nāmesu) |
Vocative (calling) | ນາມ (nāma) | ນາມານິ (nāmāni) |
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