

Alternative forms

Etymology 1


භාසති (root bhās, first conjugation)

  1. Sinhala script form of bhāsati (speak)
    • 2006, The First Book in the Suttanta-Pitaka: Dīgha-Nikāya (I), page 2:
      තත්‍ර සුදං සුප‍්පියො පරිබ‍්බාජකො අනෙකපරියායෙන බුද‍්ධස‍්ස අවණ‍්ණං භාසති, ධම‍්මස‍්ස අවණ‍්ණං භාසති, සඞ‍්ඝස‍්ස අවණ‍්ණං භාසති.
      Tatra sudaṃ suppiyo paribbājako anekapariyāyena buddhassa avaṇṇaṃ bhāsati, dhammassa avaṇṇaṃ bhāsati, saṅghassa avaṇṇaṃ bhāsati.
      Now just then Suppiya the mendicant was speaking in many ways in dispraise of the Buddha, in dispraise of the Doctrine, in dispraise of the Order.
    • c. 50 BCE, Theragatha, first sutta:
      Katantaṁ paccavekkhantā, / imamatthamabhāsisuṁ.
      Reviewing their completed task, / they spoke about it in these words.
This entry needs quotations to illustrate usage. If you come across any interesting, durably archived quotes then please add them!
Particularly: “Get Sinhala text and clean up referencing for quotation.”
  • Present active participle: භාසන‍්ත් (bhāsant), which see for forms and usage
  • Present middle participle: භාසමාන (bhāsamāna), which see for forms and usage
  • Gerundive: භාසිතබ‍්බ (bhāsitabba), which see for forms and usage

Etymology 2


භාසති (root bhās, first conjugation)

  1. Sinhala script form of bhāsati (shine)
This entry needs quotations to illustrate usage. If you come across any interesting, durably archived quotes then please add them!
Particularly: “Especially for the conditional!”
  • Present active participle: භාසන‍්ත් (bhāsant), which see for forms and usage
  • Future active participle: භාසිස‍්සන‍්ත් (bhāsissant), which see for forms and usage
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