- IPA(key): [t̪o]
- Rhymes: -o
তো • (tō)
- right; used to ask for confirmation
- তুমি মাছ খাও তো?
- tumi mach khaō tō?
- You eat fish, right?
- আপনি আসছেন তো?
- apni aśochen tō?
- You are coming, aren't you?
- used to contradict an assumption
- আমি তো জানি না।
- ami tō jani na.
- I don't know. [Why did you expect me to know?]
- উনি তো মাছ খান না।
- uni tō mach khan na.
- He/she doesn't eat fish. [Why would you cook a fish dish?]
- if
- বাঁচতে চাও তো আমার কথা শনো।
- bãcte cao to amar kôtha śôno.
- Listen to me if you want to live.
- (literally, “To live you want if, [to] my words listen.”)
- please
- এটা একবার দেখে দিন তো।
- eṭa ekbar dekhe din tō.
- Could you look over this?
- (literally, “At this, once look over please.”)
- optionally used after forceful commands
- ওখানে বসবে না তো!
- okhane bôśbe na to!
- Don't sit there!
- at least
- Synonym: অন্তত (ôntôtô)
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