


  • IPA(key): [t̪o]
  • Rhymes: -o


তো • ()

  1. right; used to ask for confirmation
    তুমি মাছ খাও তো?
    tumi mach khaō ?
    You eat fish, right?
    আপনি আসছেন তো?
    apni aśochen ?
    You are coming, aren't you?
  2. used to contradict an assumption
    আমি তো জানি না।
    ami jani na.
    I don't know. [Why did you expect me to know?]
    উনি তো মাছ খান না।
    uni mach khan na.
    He/she doesn't eat fish. [Why would you cook a fish dish?]
  3. if
    বাঁচতে চাও তো আমার কথা শনো।
    bãcte cao to amar kôtha śôno.
    Listen to me if you want to live.
    (literally, “To live you want if, [to] my words listen.”)
  4. please
    এটা একবার দেখে দিন তো
    eṭa ekbar dekhe din .
    Could you look over this?
    (literally, “At this, once look over please.”)
  5. optionally used after forceful commands
    ওখানে বসবে না তো!
    okhane bôśbe na to!
    Don't sit there!
  6. at least
    Synonym: অন্তত (ôntôtô)
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