


Inherited from Sanskrit গল (gala), from Proto-Indo-European *gʷel- (throat).


  • IPA(key): /ɡɔl/


গল • (gol) (classifier -টো)

  1. (anatomy) neck (less common in Standard, common in Kamrupi dialects)
    গলচেপgolsepa garment having a narrow neck
    বৰোক গলো পিন্ধাবাক লগি গাম্ছাখান আন্ছুঁ
    borük golüt pindhabak logi gamsakhan ansũ.
    (I/We) brought the gamosa to put on groom's neck.
    Synonym: (more common in Standard Assamese) ডিঙি (diṅi)


Declension of গল
nominative গল / গলে
gol / gole
genitive গলৰ
nominative গল / গলে
gol / gole
accusative গল / গলক
gol / golok
dative গললৈ
terminative গললৈকে
instrumental গলে / গলেৰে
gole / golere
genitive গলৰ
locative গলত
Noun: Assamese nouns are indefinite. They can be both singular and plural depending on the context. They are made definite by using classifiers and plural suffixes which also make them either singular and plural.
Plural: The general plural suffixes are: -বোৰ (-bür) and -বিলাক (-bilak) (less common). Others which have specific functions include -সমূহ (-xomuh), -সকল (-xokol), -হঁত (-hõt) etc.
Nominative: The -এ (-e) suffix is used when the noun works as an agent and the verb is transitive.
Accusative: -অক (-ok) is used for animate sense and for emphasis. No case marking otherwise.
Dative 1: For direct objects -অক (-ok) marks this case instead of -অলৈ (-oloi).
Dative 2: In some dialects -অক (-ok) or -অত (-ot) marks this case instead of -অলৈ (-oloi).
Terminative: Vaguely -অলৈ (-oloi) can mark this case too.
Instrumental 1: -এ (-e) is unemphatic and -এৰে (-ere) is emphatic and more common.
Instrumental 2: Alternatively -এদি (-edi) is used instead of the default -এৰে (-ere) in Standard Assamese.
Locative: The locative suffix is -এ (-e) in repetition of the word, with adverbs and days of the week.
Kamrupi dialects declension of গল
nominative গল / গলে
gol / gole
genitive গলোৰ
nominative গল / গলে
gol / gole
accusative গল / গলোক
gol / golük
dative গলোক
instrumental গলে / গলেদি
gole / goledi
genitive গলোৰ
locative গলোত
Noun: Assamese nouns are indefinite. They can be both singular and plural depending on the context. They are made definite by using classifiers and plural suffixes which also make them either singular and plural.
Plural: The general plural suffixes are: -মাখা (-makha) and -গিলা (-gila) / গিলাক (gilak) / গিলান (gilan).
Nominative: The -এ (-e) suffix is used when the noun works as an agent and the verb is transitive.
Accusative: -ওক (-ük) is used for animate sense and for emphasis. No case marking otherwise.
Dative: Sometimes alternatively -ওত (-üt) marks this case.
Instrumental 1: -এ (-e) is unemphatic and -এদি (-edi) is emphatic and more common.
Instrumental 2: Alternatively -এৰে (-ere) is used instead of the common -এদি (-edi).
Locative: The locative suffix is -এ (-e) in repetition of the word, with adverbs and days of the week.

Derived terms

  • গলচেপ (golosep)
  • গলচেপা (golsepa)
  • গলঢাপলি (goldhapoli)
  • গলঢাপৰি (goldhapori)
  • গলতি (goloti)
  • গলধন (golodhon)
  • গলধুৰি (goldhuri)
  • গলপতা (golpota)
  • গলফুট (golophut)
  • গলফুটুকা (golphutuka)
  • গলফুলা (golphula)
  • গলবিচনী (golbisoni)
  • গলবেৰা (golbera)
  • গলমণি (golmoni)
  • গলমণিকা (golomnika)
  • গলহেঁকাৰি (golohẽkari)
  • গলহেঙা (golheṅa)
  • গলহেঙেৰা (golheṅera)
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