

Alternative forms


From Proto-Indo-European *h₁úHdʰr̥ (udder). Cognate with Ancient Greek οὖθαρ (oûthar), Latin ūber, Old English ūder (whence English udder).



ऊधर् • (ū́dhar) stem, n

  1. (Vedic) the udder of any female, breast, bosom
    • c. 1700 BCE – 1200 BCE, Ṛgveda
      उ॒त प्र पि॑प्य॒ ऊध॒र् अघ्न्या॑या॒ इन्दु॒र् धारा॑भिः सचते सुमे॒धाः ।
      utá prá pipya ū́dhar ághnyāyā índur dhā́rābhiḥ sacate sumedhā́ḥ.
      Yea, swollen is the udder of the milch-cow: thither in streams goes very sapient Indu.
    Synonym: स्तन (stána)

Usage notes

In classical Sanskrit the stem उधन् (udhan) appears only in the feminine of an adjective compound, while the original heteroclitic r/n paradigm has been preserved in Vedic; compare nominative and genitive singular ऊधर् (ū́dhar) ~ ऊधन् (ū́dhnas).

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