
Classical Syriac

Etymology 1

ܛ ܒ ܥ
1 term

From Akkadian 𒋰 (/⁠ṭepû, ṭapû⁠/, to attach, to append, to imprint or impress said of seals), from Akkadian 𒁾𒁍𒌝 (ṭuppum, tablet, inscription, impressed markings in clay or other materials), ultimately from Sumerian 𒁾 (dub). Compare Arabic طَابَع (ṭābaʕ) and Hebrew טֶבַע (ṭéḇaʿ).


  • IPA(key): [tˤavʕɑ] (singular)
  • IPA(key): [tˤavʕe] (plural)


ܛܒܥܐ • (ṭaḇʿā) m (plural ܛܒܥܐ (ṭaḇʿē))

  1. seal, impression
  2. signet, stamp, mold/mould, die
  3. gem, precious stone
  4. (numismatics) coin
  5. (anatomy) hymen
  6. (medicine) pill
  7. (Christianity) eucharistic bread signed with the cross
  8. authenticity
  9. signature
  10. text
  11. opinion
  12. type, style, character, meter/metre
  13. quagmire, muddy spot

Etymology 2

ܛ ܒ ܥ
1 term


  • IPA(key): [tˤ(ə)vɑʕɑ] (singular)
  • IPA(key): [tˤ(ə)vɑʕe] (plural)


ܛܒܥܐ • (ṭḇāʿā) m (plural ܛܒܥܐ (ṭḇāʿē))

  1. sealing, setting
  2. mold/mould
  3. sunset


  • ṭbˁ”, in The Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon Project, Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College, 1986–
  • ṭbˁ2”, in The Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon Project, Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College, 1986–
  • Costaz, Louis (2002) Dictionnaire syriaque-français ∙ Syriac–English Dictionary ∙ قاموس سرياني-عربي, 3rd edition, Beirut: Dar El-Machreq, pages 122a–b
  • Payne Smith, Jessie (1903) A Compendious Syriac Dictionary Founded Upon the Thesaurus Syriacus of R. Payne Smith, D.D., Oxford: Clarendon Press, page 167a
  • Sokoloff, Michael (2009) A Syriac Lexicon: A Translation from the Latin, Correction, Expansion, and Update of C. Brockelmann's Lexicon Syriacum, Winona Lake, Indiana, Piscataway, New Jersey: Eisenbrauns; Gorgias Press, page 512a
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