
See also: نعر and نغر



From Middle Iranian. Cognate with Parthian nxšg (naxšag, good, fine, splendid).



Classical reading? naɣz
Dari reading? naɣz
Iranian reading? naɣz
Tajik reading? naɣz


Dari نغز
Iranian Persian
Tajik нағз

نغز • (nağz) (comparative نغزتَر (nağz-tar), superlative نغزتَرین (nağz-tarin))

  1. good
    • c. 1260s, Jalāl ad-Dīn Mohammad Rūmī, translated by Reynold A. Nicholson, مثنوی معنوی [Masnavi-ye-Ma'navi], volume I, verse 3140:
      ز آنکه او پاک است و سبحان وصف اوست / بی‌‌نیاز است او ز نغز و مغز و پوست
      za ânka ô pâk ast u subhân wasf-i-ô-st / bê-niyâz ast ô za nağz u mağz u pôst
      Because He is holy, and Glory is His attribute: He hath no need of good things and kernel or rind.
  2. fine
  3. elegant
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