
See also: غوشنه


غَوْشَنَةMorchella tridentina syn. Morchella frustrata


From the Persian mushroom-name غوشنه (ğôšna, ğôšana), variant of غوشه (ğôša, bunch, cluster), خوشه (xôša, bunch, cluster).


  • IPA(key): /ɣaw.ʃa.na/


غَوْشَنَة • (ḡawšana) f

  1. morel (Morchella gen. et spp.)
    • 1025, ابن سينا [Avicenna], القانون في الطب [Canon Medicinae]:
      الماهية: جنس من الكمأة والفطر يجفف، فينضم كغضروف، وشكله شكل كأس على كرش صغيرة متشنّجة يغسل به الثياب ويؤكل في الحموضات، وله لذة كلذة الغضاريف وأكثر.
      الطبع: ليس في برد سائر الكمأة.
      الخواص. ليس برديء الخلط كالكمأة، وكان في طبعه تًخمير أو قلويّة.
      What it is: A genus of truffles and mushrooms which are dried, and packed like cartilage, and its shape is the shape of a mug with a small shrivelled belly. One washes the garments with them and eats them with sour things, and it has a sensory delectability like the sensory delectability of cartilage and more.
      Its nature: It is not of the coldness known of truffles.
      Properties: It is not bad for the humour like truffles and of a brewing and basic nature.
    • a. 1222, نَجِيب الدِّين السَّمَرْقَنْدِيّ [najīb ad-dīn as-samarqandiyy], edited by Juliane Müller, كِتَاب الْأَغْذِيَة وَٱلْأَشْرِبَة [kitāb al-ʔaḡdiya wa-l-ʔǎšriba] (Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science. Texts and Studies; 101), Leiden: Brill, published 2017, →ISBN, page 166:
      وأمّا الغَوشَنة فهي قريبة من الكمأة باردة رطبة وهي أقلّ بردًا وأصلح، وفيها بورقية وملوحة تفارقها عند السلق ويصلحها السلق. وليس له من الغلظ واللزوجة ورداءة الخلط ما الكمأة وهي تؤكل بالحموضات ولَذَّته كلَذَّة الغضاريف.
      In what bespeaks the morel, it is near truffles, cold and wet, and in it less cold and more healthy, and it has a basicity and acidity that parts it on seething, so seething betters it. And it hasn’t the coarseness and stickiness and badness for the humour which a truffle has and it is eaten with sour things and its sensory delectability is like the sensory delectability of cartilage.


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