


From the root ش ت ت (š-t-t). One of a special group of words known in Arabic as أَسْمَاء أَفْعَال (ʔasmāʔ ʔafʕāl, noun verbs).


  • IPA(key): /ʃat.taː.na/


شَتَّانَ • (šattāna)

  1. (defective, intransitive) What a difference! How different they are!
    شَتَّانَ بَيْنَ ٱلْحَقِّ وَٱلْبَاطِلِ.
    šattāna bayna l-ḥaqqi wal-bāṭili.
    There is a great difference between the right and the wrong.
    شَتَّانَ ٱلْفَقْرُ وَٱلْغِنَى.
    šattāna l-faqru wal-ḡinā.
    There is a great difference between poverty and richness.

Usage notes

The verb is defective and does not conjugate or receive case endings; it is used the same way with the same final vowels in all contexts.

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