
Ottoman Turkish


Borrowed from Persian سوفار (sōfār, nock, notch of an arrow).


سوفار • (sufar)

  1. eye, a hole at the blunt end of a needle through which the thread is passed
    Synonym: ایكنه دلیكی (iğne deliği)
  2. nock, the notch at the rearmost end of an arrow that fits on the bowstring
    Synonym: گز (gez)


  • Turkish: sufar

Further reading


Alternative forms

  • سوفاره (sōfāra), سوفارا (sōfārā), سوفال (sōfāl)
  • (earthenware): سفال (sufāl, safāl, sifāl), سخال (suxāl, sixāl)




Classical reading? sōfār


سوفار • (sōfār) (obsolete)

  1. nock, the notch at the rearmost end of an arrow that fits on the bowstring
  2. perforation, eye, a hole for example at the blunt end of a needle through which the thread is passed
  3. shard, earthen vessel


  • Ottoman Turkish: سوفار (sufar)
    • Turkish: sufar


  • Doerfer, Gerhard (1967) Türkische und mongolische Elemente im Neupersischen [Turkic and Mongolian Elements in New Persian] (Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur: Veröffentlichungen der Orientalischen Kommission) (in German), volume 3, Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verlag, page 298 Nr. 1296
  • Monchi-Zadeh, Davoud (1990) Wörter aus Xurāsān und ihre Herkunft (Acta Iranica; 29) (in German), Leiden: E. J. Brill, page 163 Nr. 483
  • Vullers, Johann August (1856–1864) “سوفار”, in Lexicon Persico-Latinum etymologicum cum linguis maxime cognatis Sanscrita et Zendica et Pehlevica comparatum, e lexicis persice scriptis Borhâni Qâtiu, Haft Qulzum et Bahâri agam et persico-turcico Farhangi-Shuûrî confectum, adhibitis etiam Castelli, Meninski, Richardson et aliorum operibus et auctoritate scriptorum Persicorum adauctum (in Latin), volume II, Gießen: J. Ricker, page 350b
  • Wolff, Fritz (1935) Glossar zu Firdosis Schahname (in German), Berlin: Reichsdruckerei, page 533b
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