ء م ر
Derived terms
- Verbs and verb derivatives
- Form I: أَمَرَ (ʔamara)
- Form I: أَمَرَ (ʔamara)
- Form I: أَمُرَ (ʔamura)
- Verbal noun: أَمَارَة (ʔamāra)
- Active participle: آمِر (ʔāmir)
- Form I: أَمِرَ (ʔamira)
- Form II: أَمَّرَ (ʔammara)
- Verbal noun: تَأْمِير (taʔmīr)
- Active participle: مُؤَمِّر (muʔammir)
- Passive participle: مُؤَمَّر (muʔammar)
- Form III: آمَرَ (ʔāmara)
- Verbal noun: مُؤَامَرَة (muʔāmara), إِمَار (ʔimār)
- Active participle: مُؤَامِر (muʔāmir)
- Passive participle: مُؤَامَر (muʔāmar)
- Form IV: آمَرَ (ʔāmara)
- Verbal noun: إِيمَار (ʔīmār)
- Active participle: مُؤْمِر (muʔmir)
- Passive participle: مُؤْمَر (muʔmar)
- Form V: تَأَمَّرَ (taʔammara)
- Verbal noun: تَأَمُّر (taʔammur)
- Active participle: مُتَأَمِّر (mutaʔammir)
- Passive participle: مُتَأَمَّر (mutaʔammar)
- Form VI: تَآمَرَ (taʔāmara)
- Verbal noun: تَآمُر (taʔāmur)
- Active participle: مُتَآمِر (mutaʔāmir)
- Passive participle: مُتَآمَر (mutaʔāmar)
- Form VIII: اِئْتَمَرَ (iʔtamara), اِيتَمَرَ (ītamara)
- Verbal noun: اِئْتِمَار (iʔtimār), اِيتِمَار (ītimār)
- Active participle: مُؤْتَمِر (muʔtamir)
- Passive participle: مُؤْتَمَر (muʔtamar)
- Form X: اِسْتَأْمَرَ (istaʔmara)
- Verbal noun: اِسْتِئْمَار (istiʔmār)
- Active participle: مُسْتَأْمِر (mustaʔmir)
- Passive participle: مُسْتَأْمَر (mustaʔmar)
- Nouns
- أَمِير (ʔamīr)
- أَمِيرَة (ʔamīra)
- أَمِيرِيّ (ʔamīriyy)
- إمْرَة (ʔimra, “command, power”)
- إِمَارَة (ʔimāra, “the state of someone being a commander (أَمِير (ʔamīr))”)
- أَمَّار (ʔammār, “always demanding, wont to command”)
- تَأْمُور (taʔmūr, “soul; pericardium”)
- إِمْر (ʔimr, “afflictive”)
- مِئْمَر (miʔmar, “counsel, advice”)
- أَمَر (ʔamar, “stones”)
- أَمَار (ʔamār) and أَمَارَة (ʔamāra, “a mark to show the way; sign”)
- تُؤْمُور (tuʔmūr, “a sign of piled stones to show the way in the desert”)
- Freytag, Georg (1830) “ء م ر”, in Lexicon arabico-latinum praesertim ex Djeuharii Firuzabadiique et aliorum Arabum operibus adhibitis Golii quoque et aliorum libris confectum (in Latin), volume 1, Halle: C. A. Schwetschke, pages 58a–59b
- Kazimirski, Albin de Biberstein (1860) “ء م ر”, in Dictionnaire arabe-français contenant toutes les racines de la langue arabe, leurs dérivés, tant dans l’idiome vulgaire que dans l’idiome littéral, ainsi que les dialectes d’Alger et de Maroc (in French), volume 1, Paris: Maisonneuve et Cie, pages 53a–55b
- Lane, Edward William (1863) “ء م ر”, in Arabic-English Lexicon, London: Williams & Norgate, pages 95b–99a
- Steingass, Francis Joseph (1884) “ء م ر”, in The Student's Arabic–English Dictionary, London: W.H. Allen, pages 76b–77a
- Wehr, Hans (1979) “امر”, in J. Milton Cowan, editor, A Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic, 4th edition, Ithaca, NY: Spoken Language Services, →ISBN, pages 33a–34b
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