


  • IPA(key): [hʏ̞ð-] (verb stem)

Etymology 1

Кәзәләр һөҙөшә.
Goats butting.


һөҙөү • (höźöw) (transitive)

  1. to gore, butt; to pierce or strike with horns (of horned animals)
    Балыҡты йөҙөргә, үгеҙҙе һөҙөргә өйрәтмә.
    Balıqtı yöźörgə, ügeźźe höźörgə öyrətmə.
    Do not teach a fish to swim (and) a bull ― to butt.

Etymology 2

Һурпа һөҙөү.
Straining a broth.

From Proto-Turkic *süŕ- (to strain, filter).[1]


һөҙөү • (höźöw) (transitive)

  1. to strain, filter, to separate solid from liquid by passing through a strainer or colander
  2. to skim a liquid
Derived terms


  1. Starostin, Sergei, Dybo, Anna, Mudrak, Oleg (2003) “*süŕ-”, in Etymological dictionary of the Altaic languages (Handbuch der Orientalistik; VIII.8), Leiden, New York, Köln: E.J. Brill
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