


Denominal verb, from үөс (üös, center).


үөскээ • (üöskee)

  1. (intransitive) to be born
    See synonyms at төрөө (töröö).
  2. (literal or figurative) (biology) to bear fruit, to be fruitful, to multiply
    Synonym: үксээ (üksee)
  3. to be descended from (see descent, descendant), (figurative) to be due to
    Antonyms: киллэр (killer), тириэрт (tiriert, to lead to)
  4. to grow up (pass through childhood and adolescence)
    Synonyms: улаат (ulaat), үүн (üün)

Derived terms

  • үөскээһин (üöskeehin, suffix, morpheme, particle)
  • үөскэм (üöskem, (mathematical) product)
  • үөскэт (üösket, to give birth)
  • үөскэх (üöskeq, embryo, fruit)
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