


Historically, the causative form[1] of Proto-Turkic *kay- (to turn back; to show respect; to squint; to move to smb.'s side; to run towards; to go past, around).[2]

Cognate with Karakhanid قَدِتْماقْ (qadïtmāq, to come back);[3] Turkish kayıtmak, Azerbaijani qayıtmaq, Crimean Tatar qaytmaq.


  • IPA(key): /qɑjt-/


ҡайтыу • (qaytıw) (intransitive)

  1. to return, come back, go back
    Өсөнсө көн генә Мәскәүҙән ҡайттым.
    Ösönsö kön genə Məskəwźən qayttım.
    I returned from Moscow just three days ago.
    Батыр йәнтөйәгенә ярты быуаттан ҡайтты, тик һәйкәл булып ҡына.
    Batır yəntöyəgenə yartı bıwattan qayttı, tik həykəl bulıp qına.
    The hero returned to his home place after half a century - but only as a sculpture.
    1. go home, come home
    Өйгә ҡайтып, усаҡҡа ут яға тор.
    Öygə qaytıp, usaqqa ut yağa tor.
    Go home and make fire in the stove.
    Ҡыҙыбыҙ ҡаланан айына бер ҡайтып тора.
    Qıźıbıź qalanan ayına ber qaytıp tora.
    Our daughter comes home from the city once a month.
    Әсәһе үлгәс, атаһы өйгә үгәй әсә алып ҡайтҡан.
    Əsəhe ülgəs, atahı öygə ügəy əsə alıp qaytqan.
    When her mother died, her father came home with a stepmother.
    Ул бик ҡиммәтле матур ынйы тапҡас, ҡайтып бар мөлкәтен һатҡан да, шул ынйыны алған. (Matthew 13:46)
    Ul bik qimmətle matur ınyı tapqas, qaytıp bar mölkəten hatqan da, şul ınyını alğan.
    When he found a very valuable, beautiful pearl, (he) went home, sold all his belongings and bought that pearl.
    1. return to or visit one's home place, village, or any place of origin
  2. resume some activity that was stopped or suspended


  1. Levitskaja, L. S., Dybo, A. V., Rassadin, V. I. (1997) “қайт-”, in Etimologičeskij slovarʹ tjurkskix jazykov [Etymological Dictionary of Turkic Languages] (in Russian), volume 5, Moscow: Jazyki russkoj kulʹtury, page 208
  2. Starostin, Sergei, Dybo, Anna, Mudrak, Oleg (2003) “*KAj-”, in Etymological dictionary of the Altaic languages (Handbuch der Orientalistik; VIII.8), Leiden, New York, Köln: E.J. Brill
  3. The template Template:R:xqa:DLT does not use the parameter(s):
    Please see Module:checkparams for help with this warning.
    al-Kashgarî, Mahmud (1072–1074) Besim Atalay, transl., Divanü Lûgat-it-Türk Tercümesi [Translation of the “Compendium of the languages of the Turks] (Türk Dil Kurumu Yayınları; 521) (in Turkish), 1985 edition, Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurmu Basımevi, published 1939–1943, page 301
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