- IPA(key): [ɕtan]
щтэн • (śtɛn) (intransitive)
- to fear, to get afraid
- кӏалэр мащтэ ― kʼalɛr maśtɛ ― The boy gets afraid.
- кӏалэр лӏым шэщтэ ― kʼalɛr lˢʼəm šɛśtɛ ― The boy is afraid of the man.
- укъагъэщтагъа? ― wuqağɛśtağa? ― Did they scare you?
- кӏалэр мэз мэзахым хэхьэнэ мэщтэ ― kʼalɛr mɛz mɛzaxəm xɛḥɛnɛ mɛśtɛ ― The boy is scared to enter the dark forest.
- умыщт ары мы блэр къоцэкъэтэп ― wuməśt arə mə blɛr qʷocɛqɛtɛp ― Don't fear, this snake won't bite you.
- сэ тыгъужъым сегъэщтэ ― sɛ təğʷuẑəm seğɛśtɛ ― The wolves make me scared.
- to be frightened (of), to be startled (of), to take fright (at); to shy (at)
See also
- гъэщтэн (ğɛśtɛn) (transitive)
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