
See also: чина



From Proto-Slavic *činiti. Cognate with Macedonian чини (čini) and Serbo-Croatian чѝнити / čìniti.


  • IPA(key): [ˈt͡ʃinʲɐ]


чи́ня • (čínja) first-singular present indicative, impf

  1. (transitive) to make, do
  2. (transitive) to cost
    Synonym: стру́вам (strúvam)
  3. (intransitive, colloquial) to be good, be worthy, be worthwhile
    Synonyms: ста́вам (stávam), бива ме (biva me)
    Не чини ни пукната (счупена) пара (грош) (idiom)
    Ne čini ni puknata (sčupena) para (groš)
    It's not worth a dime.
    Толкова ми чини (idiom, vernacular)
    Tolkova mi čini
    I couldn't care less. I don't give a hoot. It's all the same to me.
    • Димитър Талев (Dimitǎr Talev):
      Донеси ми от града локум с ядки. Колкото чини, ще си платя.
      Donesi mi ot grada lokum s jadki. Kolkoto čini, šte si platja.
      Bring me some Turkish delight with nuts from town. I'll pay what it costs.
    • Захари Стоянов (Zahari Stojanov):
      И българинът позна на дело, че и той чини нещо.
      I bǎlgarinǎt pozna na delo, če i toj čini nešto.
      And Bulgarians realized indeed (in reality) that they, too, mattered.
    • Иван Вазов (Ivan Vazov):
      Из тоя кладенец само добичетата поим, водата не чини за хора, господине, не добра вода.
      Iz toja kladenec samo dobičetata poim, vodata ne čini za hora, gospodine, ne dobra voda.
      At this well we water only the cattle, the water's no good for humans, master, not good water.
    • Йордан Йовков (Jordan Jovkov)
      Разбирам да ми отбие от цената, ако материалът беше слаб, ако работата не чинеше.
      Razbiram da mi otbie ot cenata, ako materialǎt beše slab, ako rabotata ne čineše.
      I could well understand him not giving me the full price, if the material was weak, if the work was no good.
  4. (intransitive) to seem, appear to be
    Synonym: стру́вам (strúvam)
    чини ми сеčini mi seit seems to me, it appears to me, to my mind



  • чиня”, in Речник на българския език [Dictionary of the Bulgarian Language] (in Bulgarian), Sofia: Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2014
  • чиня”, in Речник на българския език [Dictionary of the Bulgarian Language] (in Bulgarian), Chitanka, 2010



  • IPA(key): [t͡ɕɪˈnʲa]


чиня́ • (činjá)

  1. present adverbial imperfective participle of чини́ть (činítʹ)
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