


Originally the possessive of уста (usta, length), which it can still mean. It does not take the dative ending, but functions as a true postposition. This in turn means that the noun it modifies does not need a different case ending.


устата (ustata)

  1. during
    Synonyms: быстыҥа (bıstıña), быһа (bıha)
    сайын устатаsayın ustataduring the summer
  2. for, throughout (a given length of time)
    хас да хонук устатаqas da qonuk ustatafor several days
    сүүрбэ сыл устатаsüürbe sıl ustatafor twenty years
  3. (after a verb) while
    үлэлээбитин устата куруутун хайҕанараüleleebitin ustata kuruutun qayğanarawhile he worked he was always praised
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