


  • IPA(key): [unˈdɑ]
  • Hyphenation: ун‧да


унда • (unda)

  1. there, at a certain place or location
    Унда булырға тура килмәне.
    Unda bulırğa tura kilməne.
    (I/We) didn't have a chance to be there.
    Һеҙ хазинаны күктә йыйығыҙ: унда көйә лә ҡырҡмай, тут та баҫмай, ҡараҡтар ҙа инеп урламай. (Matthew 6:19)
    Heź xazinanı küktə yıyığıź: unda köyə lə qırqmay, tut ta baśmay, qaraqtar źa inep urlamay.
    Collect (your) treasure in the sky: there, moth does not cut, rust does not corrupt, and thieves do not enter and steal.
  2. there, to/into a certain place or location


унда • (unda)

  1. locative of ул (ul); by him/her; next to him/her; at his/her place, etc. (may be translated otherwise, as required by the specific verbs)
    Асҡысты Иректән һора, унда булырға тейеш.
    Asqıstı İrektən hora, unda bulırğa teyeş.
    Ask Irek for the key, (it) must be with him (=he must have it).
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