

FWOTD – 24 August 2023


труск (trusk) + -оба (-oba).


  • IPA(key): [trʊˈɕːɵbə]


трущо́ба • (truščóba) f inan (genitive трущо́бы, nominative plural трущо́бы, genitive plural трущо́б)

  1. (archaic) dense forest, thicket, jungle
    • a. 1875, Alexander Afanasyev-Chuzhbinsky, Собраніе сочиненій, volume IX. Стихотворенія, Sankt-Peterburg: Herman Hoppe, published 1892, page 90:
      Партизаны врага обскакали!
      И, опять кончивъ бой,
      мы въ трущобѣ лѣсной
      Отдыхать, подкрѣпить остались.
      Partizany vraga obskakali!
      I, opjatʹ končiv boj,
      my v truščobě lěsnoj
      Otdyxatʹ, podkrěpitʹ ostalisʹ.
      The partisans overtook the enemy!
      And, ending the battle again,
      We left in the dense forest
      To kick back and gain energy.
  2. (archaic) backwoods, the sticks (remote, rural area)
  3. (often in the plural) slum (dilapidated neighborhood)
  4. (colloquial) hovel, shack (dilapidated house)



  • Vasmer, Max (1964–1973) “трущоба”, in Oleg Trubachyov, transl., Этимологический словарь русского языка [Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language] (in Russian), Moscow: Progress
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