
Old Church Slavonic


троудъ (trudŭ) + -ьнъ (-ĭnŭ)


троудьнъ • (trudĭnŭ)

  1. hard, heavy, difficult
  2. laborious
  3. tired, weary
    • from Vita Constantini:
      вѣмь тѧ троудьна сѫща· философе· нъ потрѣба естъ тебѣ тамо ити·
      věmĭ tę trudĭna sǫšta· filosofe· nŭ potrěba estŭ tebě tamo iti·
      Philosopher, I see that you are weary, but you need to go there.


  • Бояджиев, Андрей (2016) Старобългарска читанка, София
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