
Old Church Slavonic


Alternative forms


From Proto-Slavic *sekyra.


сѣкꙑра • (sěkyra) f

  1. axe
    • from Vita Constantini, 1202200-1202220:
      свѣще же бѣли приѥмꙿше ѡть философа и поюще идоше къ дрѣвоу. и възьмь секироу л и трикрать оударивь и повелѣ въсѣмь сѣщи и искоренити и и съжещи.
      svěšte že běli prijemꙿše otĭ filosofa i pojušte idoše kŭ drěvu. i vŭzĭmĭ sekiru l i trikratĭ udarivĭ i povelě vŭsěmĭ sěšti i iskoreniti i i sŭžešti.
      Upon receiving white candles from the Philosopher, they walked toward the tree, chanting. And seizing an axe, he struck the tree thirty-three times. Then he commanded all to chop and uproot it, and burn it.



  • Бояджиев, Андрей (2016) Старобългарска читанка, София
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