Akkala Sami
The spelling of this entry has been normalized from śaḿj according to the principles established by Wiktionary's editor community as described at Wiktionary:About Akkala Sami or recent spelling standards of the language.
Alternative forms
- сяммьй (s’amm’j)
- сьӓмьй (s’äm’j)
- IPA(key): /ˈsʲɑmʲj/
This noun needs an inflection-table template.
Further reading
- P. M. Zajkov (1987) G. M. Kert, editor, Бабинский диалект саамского языка (фонолого-морфологическое исследование) [Babin dialect of the Sami language], Petrozavodsk: Карельский филиал АН СССР; Институт языка, литературы и истории, pages 122, 70, 52
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