


сыпӑк • (syp̬ăk) (plural сыпӑксем) 

  1. joint, juncture
  2. (architecture) space between any two balusters of a flight of stairs
  3. link (element of a chain)
  4. chapter, section (of a book)
  5. part, branch; team, squad (smallest unit in a hierarchy or sequence)
  6. stage
  7. verse (in a song)
  8. generation
  9. degree of relationship (as in first cousin, second cousin etc.)
  10. sector, quarter, area
  11. (linguistics) syllable
    хупӑ сыпӑкhup̬ă syp̬ăkclosed syllable
    уҫӑ сыпӑкuś̬ă syp̬ăkopen syllable

Further reading

  • сыпӑк”, in Электронлă сăмахсар (overall work in Russian and Chuvash), 1996.
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