


  • IPA(key): [rɐˈnʲa̟vɐm]

Etymology 1

Intensive counter-part of раня (ranja, to injure) + -вам (-vam).


раня́вам • (ranjávam) first-singular present indicative, impf (perfective раня́)

  1. (transitive) to wound, to hurt, to injure
    Полицаят рани заподозрения по време на борбата, която последва.
    Policajat rani zapodozrenija po vreme na borbata, kojato posledva.
    The police officer wounded the suspect during the fight that ensued.
  2. (transitive) to wound (to hurt a person's feelings)
    Гордостта на актьора беше ранена, когато главната роля получи неговият съперник.
    Gordostta na aktjora beše ranena, kogato glavnata rolja poluči negovijat sǎpernik.
    The actor's pride was wounded when the leading role went to his rival.
Derived terms
  • наранявам (naranjavam, to inflict injury)
  • разранявам (razranjavam, to open a wound)


  • ранявам¹ in Речник на българския език
  • Racheva, M., Todorov, T. A., editors (2002), “ранявам¹, раня”, in Български етимологичен речник [Bulgarian Etymological Dictionary] (in Bulgarian), volumes 6 (пỳскам – словàр²), Sofia: Prof. Marin Drinov Pubg. House, →ISBN, page 183

Etymology 2

Intensive counter-part of раня (ranja, to get up early) + -вам (-vam).


раня́вам • (ranjávam) first-singular present indicative, impf (perfective раня́)

  1. (intransitive) to get up early, to turn up/appear early
  2. (intransitive) to complete (a task) before the deadline
Derived terms
  • подранявам (podranjavam, to get/finish before the arrange time)


  • ранявам² in Речник на българския език
  • Racheva, M., Todorov, T. A., editors (2002), “ранявам², раня”, in Български етимологичен речник [Bulgarian Etymological Dictionary] (in Bulgarian), volumes 6 (пỳскам – словàр²), Sofia: Prof. Marin Drinov Pubg. House, →ISBN, page 183
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