
Old Church Slavonic

empty gallery


From Proto-Slavic *porzdьnъ.


праздьнъ • (prazdĭnŭ)

  1. empty, vacant
  2. void, unoccupied
  3. vain, idle
    • from the Homily against the Bogumils, 1627-1628:
      и тѣмьже и дроуѕии о нихъ праздьни ходѧтъ не хотѧще ничимьже сѧ приѩти рѫкама своима
      i těmĭže i drudzii o nixŭ prazdĭni xodętŭ ne xotęšte ničimĭže sę prijęti rǫkama svoima
      That is why some of them go about in idleness and are unwilling to employ their hands with any task.
    • from the Homily against the Bogumils, 1638:
      праздьнꙑи не дѣлаѩ да не ꙗстъ
      prazdĭnyi ne dělaję da ne jastŭ
      idle who does not work shall not eat.


Derived terms


  • Бояджиев, Андрей (2016) Старобългарска читанка, София
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