Univerbation of по (po) + де́куди (dékudy).
- IPA(key): [pɔˈdɛkʊde]
Audio (file)
поде́куди • (podékudy)
- here and there, in places, in some places
- here and there, from time to time, sometimes
- Synonyms: де́коли (dékoly), і́ноді (ínodi), і́нколи (ínkoly), час від ча́су (čas vid čásu), часа́ми (časámy), ча́сом (čásom)
- in some cases, in some instances
Further reading
- Bilodid, I. K., editor (1970–1980), “подекуди”, in Словник української мови: в 11 т. [Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language: in 11 vols] (in Ukrainian), Kyiv: Naukova Dumka
- A. Rysin, V. Starko, Yu. Marchenko, O. Telemko, et al. (compilers, 2007–2022), “подекуди”, in Russian-Ukrainian Dictionaries
- A. Rysin, V. Starko, et al. (compilers, 2011–2020), “подекуди”, in English-Ukrainian Dictionaries
- “подекуди”, in Горох – Словозміна [Horokh – Inflection] (in Ukrainian)
- “подекуди”, in Словник.ua [Slovnyk.ua] (in Ukrainian)
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