


From Proto-Permic *pölni.


повны • (povny)

  1. fear



From Proto-Permic *pölni, from Proto-Uralic *pele-. Cognates include Finnish pelätä and Hungarian fél.

Permic cognates include Udmurt пулыны (pulyny) and Komi-Permyak повны (povny).


  • IPA(key): /ˈpovnɨ/
  • Hyphenation: пов‧ны


повны • (povny)

  1. (intransitive, + elative) to be afraid; to fear
    Ме понъясысь пола.Me ponjasyś pola.I'm afraid of dogs.
    Ме пола, мый тэ висьман.Me pola, myj te viśman.I'm afraid that you'll fall ill.


Conjugation of повны (stem: пол-)
Present tense Future tense
positive negative positive negative
1st singular пола (pola) ог пов (og pov) пола (pola) ог пов (og pov)
2nd singular полан (polan) он пов (on pov) полан (polan) он пов (on pov)
3rd singular полӧ (polö) оз пов (oz pov) полас (polas) оз пов (oz pov)
1st plural полам (polam) ог полӧй (og polöj) полам (polam) ог полӧй (og polöj)
2nd plural поланныд (polannyd)
полад (polad)
он полӧй (on polöj) поланныд (polannyd)
полад (polad)
он полӧй (on polöj)
3rd plural полӧны (polöny) оз полӧй (oz polöj) поласны (polasny) оз полӧй (oz polöj)
Direct past tense Reported past tense
positive negative positive negative
1st singular полі (poli) эг пов (eg pov)
2nd singular полін (polin) эн пов (en pov) полӧмыд (polömyd) абу полӧмыд (abu polömyd)
3rd singular поліс (polis) эз пов (ez pov) полӧма (polöma) абу полӧма (abu polöma)
1st plural полім (polim) эг полӧй (eg polöj)
2nd plural полінныд (polinnyd)
полід (polid)
эн полӧй (en polöj) полӧмныд (polömnyd) абу полӧмныд (abu polömnyd)
3rd plural полісны (polisny) эз полӧй (ez polöj) полӧмаӧсь (polömaöś) абу полӧмаӧсь (abu polömaöś)
positive negative
2nd singular пов (pov) эн пов (en pov) Infinitive повны (povny)
2nd plural полӧй (polöj) эн полӧй (en polöj) Present participle полысь (polyś)
*) The impersonal reported past is expressed using the third singular form.
**) The first person imperative is expressed using the first person future form.
***) Any form ending in -ӧй has an alternative form ending in .
****) The imperfect and perfect participles have alternative forms with a paragogic .
Imperfect participle полан (polan)
Perfect participle полӧм (polöm)
Caritive participle повтӧм (povtöm)
Nominal inflection of повны
Impersonal First person Second person Third person
Nominative повны (povny) повным (povnym) повныд (povnyd) повныс (povnys)
Accusative повнытӧ (povnytö) повнысӧ (povnysö)


  • L. M. Beznosikova, E. A. Ajbabina, R. I. Kosnyreva (2000) Коми-русский словарь [Komi-Russian dictionary], →ISBN, page 503
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