


From мі́на (mína, mortar round) + -о- (-o-) + -мет (-met), combining form of мета́ти (metáty, to throw, to cast).


  • IPA(key): [mʲinɔˈmɛt]


міноме́т • (minomét) m inan (genitive міноме́та, nominative plural міноме́ти, genitive plural міноме́тів, relational adjective міноме́тний)

  1. (military) mortar, trench mortar (lightweight, often portable artillery piece which transmits recoil to a base plate)
  2. (historical) rocket launcher (Katyusha and similar World War II-era systems)
    Synonyms: (historical, informal) Катю́ша (Katjúša), (historical) гвардійський реактивний міномет (hvardijsʹkyj reaktyvnyj minomet), (historical) реактивний міномет (reaktyvnyj minomet), (modern term) РСЗВ (RSZV), (modern term) Реакти́вна систе́ма залпового вогню́ (Reaktývna systéma zalpovoho vohnjú)

Usage notes

  • Ukrainian has historically distinguished between міноме́т (minomét, lightweight, often portable artillery piece which transmits recoil to a base plate) and морти́ра (mortýra, heavy, large-bore cannon); in English, both types of weapons are referred to as mortars. The term морти́ра (mortýra) has become increasingly obsolete, mainly denoting siege-artillery of the XVth-XIXth centuries.


Derived terms

  • міноме́тник (minométnyk)

See also


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