Old Church Slavonic
Alternative forms
- либо (libo)
любо • (ljubo)
- or
- 1581, Ostrog Bible, Luke 12.38, 2 Samuel 2:21:
- и аще прїидетъ въ вторꙋю стражꙋ, любо въ третїю стражꙋ прїидетъ […]
- i ašte priidetŭ vŭ vtoruju stražu, ljubo vŭ tretiju stražu priidetŭ […]
- And if he shall come in the second watch, or come in the third watch […]
- И҆ рече е҆мꙋ а҆вени́ръ. ꙋ҆клони́сѧ т̂ы лю́бо де́снымъ лю́бо шюим̑ […]
- I҆ reče e҆mu a҆venírŭ. u҆klonísę t̂y ljúbo désnymŭ ljúbo šjuim̑ […]
- And Abner said to him, Turn thee aside to thy right hand or to thy left […]
- 1581, Ostrog Bible, Luke 12.38, 2 Samuel 2:21:
- either
- from the Homily against the Bogumils, 318-321:
- въпроси любо варъвара любо невѣждѫ любо и самого того диꙗвола къто ѥстъ творьць вьсѣмъ видимꙑимъ и невидимꙑимъ
- vŭprosi ljubo varŭvara ljubo nevěždǫ ljubo i samogo togo dijavola kŭto jestŭ tvorĭcĭ vĭsěmŭ vidimyimŭ i nevidimyimŭ
- Ask anyone you like, a barbarian, someone ignorant, ask the devil himself who is the creator of everything visible and invisible
- from the Homily against the Bogumils, 318-321:
- IPA(key): [ˈlʲubə]
лю́бо • (ljúbo)
- (colloquial, folkloric) nicely, beautifully; prettily; pleasantly; well; correctly
- IPA(key): [ˈlʲubɔ]
- Hrinchenko, Borys, editor (1907–1909), “лю́бо”, in Словарь украинского языка [Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language] (in Russian), Kyiv: Kievskaya starina
- Bilodid, I. K., editor (1970–1980), “лю́бо”, in Словник української мови: в 11 т. [Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language: in 11 vols] (in Ukrainian), Kyiv: Naukova Dumka
- Shyrokov, V. A., editor (2010–2023), “лю́бо”, in Словник української мови: у 20 т. [Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language: in 20 vols] (in Ukrainian), volumes 1–14 (а – префере́нція), Kyiv: Naukova Dumka; Ukrainian Lingua-Information Fund, →ISBN
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