


From кэлтэй (keltey, to be or become asymmetrical).


кэлтэгэй (keltegey)

  1. different (not the same, or different from the norm), inaccurate
    ыйааһын кэлтэгэйıyaahın keltegeythe weight is different / the scale is inaccurate
  2. one-sided, unilateral
    кэлтэгэй быһаарыыkeltegey bıhaarııa unilateral decision
  3. flawed
    Synonym: сымыйа (sımıya)
    кини оҥорбута барыта кэлтэгэйkini oñorbuta barıta keltegeyall his products are flawed
  4. crooked, asymmetric

See also

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