

Russian numbers (edit)
 ←  8 9 10  → 
    Cardinal: де́вять (dévjatʹ)
    Ordinal: девя́тый (devjátyj)
    Ordinal abbreviation: 9-ый (9-yj)
    Adverbial: де́вятью (dévjatʹju)
    Multiplier: девятерно́й (devjaternój), девятикра́тный (devjatikrátnyj)
    Collective: де́вятеро (dévjatero)
    Fractional: девя́тая (devjátaja), девяти́на (devjatína)


  • IPA(key): [ˈdʲevʲɪtʲɪrə]


де́вятеро • (dévjatero)

  1. nine (in a group together), nine of them
    де́вятеро дете́йdévjatero detéjnine children
    де́вятеро часо́вdévjatero časóvnine watches
    де́вятеро очко́вdévjatero očkóvnine pairs of glasses
    де́вятеро из насdévjatero iz nasnine of us
    нас бы́ло де́вятероnas býlo dévjaterothere were nine of us

Usage notes

  • The nominative of a collective numeral governs the genitive plural of the noun, pronoun, or adjective. For the other cases the noun, pronoun, or adjective will be in the same case (except when meaning "a pair of"). Not used with feminine nouns. Used mostly when speaking of children and with a few nouns that are used in the plural only, such as часы́ (časý), очки́ (očkí), or with pronouns.


See also

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