

Ват ҫын. — An old man.


ватӑ • (vat̬ă) (plural ватӑсем) 

  1. an elderly person:
    1. old woman
      Synonym: карчӑк (karč̬ăk)
    2. old man


ватӑ • (vat̬ă)

  1. old (of people)
    Antonyms: çамрӑк (çamrăk), яш (jaš)
  2. ancient
  3. great-
    ватӑ асаннеvat̬ă as̬annepaternal great-grandmother
    ватӑ асаттеvat̬ă as̬attepaternal great-grandfather
    ватӑ кукамайvat̬ă kuk̬amajmaternal great-grandmother
    ватӑ кукаҫейvat̬ă kuk̬aś̬ejmaternal great-grandfather

Alternative forms

  • ват (vat) when used attributively

Further reading

  • ватӑ”, in Электронлă сăмахсар (overall work in Russian and Chuvash), 1996.
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