бар ине
See also: барине
- IPA(key): [ˈbɑr eˌnɪ̞]
- Hyphenation: бар и‧не
бар ине • (bar ine): simple past of бар (bar)
- there was / there were, there existed
- Дәрес башланыуға бер нисә минут ваҡыт бар ине әле.
- Dəres başlanıwğa ber nisə minut vaqıt bar ine əle.
- There was still a few minutes' time before the lesson started.
- was / were available
- Магазинда бөтөн әйбер бар ине, хаҡтары осһоҙ ине.
- Magazinda bötön əyber bar ine, xaqtarı oshoź ine.
- All (types of) goods were available in the shops, and the prices were cheap.
- юҡ ине (yuq ine) (there was not)
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