
See also: ен and -ен



From ен (jen, heaven). Said to be the Komi counterpart of Finnish Ilmarinen.


  • IPA(key): /ˈjen/, [ˈjen]
  • Hyphenation: Ен

Proper noun

Ен • (Jen)

  1. One of the two original deities in Komi mythology, often portrayed by a swan or a duck.


Declension of Ен (stem: Енм-)
singular plural
nominative Ен (Jen)
accusative I* Ен (Jen)
II* Енмӧс (Jenmös)
instrumental Енмӧн (Jenmön)
comitative Енкӧд (Jenköd)
caritive Ентӧг (Jentög)
consecutive Енла (Jenla)
genitive Енлӧн (Jenlön)
ablative Енлысь (Jenlyś)
dative Енлы (Jenly)
inessive Енмын (Jenmyn)
elative Енмысь (Jenmyś)
illative Енмӧ (Jenmö)
egressive Енсянь (Jenśań)
approximative Енлань (Jenlań)
terminative Енмӧдз (Jenmödź)
prolative I Енмӧд (Jenmöd)
II Енті (Jenti)
*) Animate nouns almost exclusively take the type II accusative ending, whereas inanimate nouns can be used with either ending, but are more often found with type I.
Possessive declension of Ен
First person singular
singular plural
nominative Енмӧй (Jenmöj)
accusative I* Енмӧй (Jenmöj)
II* Енмӧс (Jenmös)
instrumental Еннам (Jennam)
comitative Енмӧйкӧд (Jenmöjköd)
caritive Ентӧгым (Jentögym)
consecutive Енмӧйла (Jenmöjla)
genitive Енмӧйлӧн (Jenmöjlön)
ablative Енмӧйлысь (Jenmöjlyś)
dative Енмӧйлы (Jenmöjly)
inessive Енмам (Jenmam)
elative Енсьым (Jenśym)
illative Енмам (Jenmam)
egressive Енсяньым (Jenśańym)
approximative Енланьым (Jenlańym)
terminative Енмӧдзым (Jenmödźym)
prolative I Енмӧдым (Jenmödym)
II Ентіым (Jentiym)
*) Animate nouns almost exclusively take the type II accusative ending, whereas inanimate nouns can be used with either ending, but are more often found with type I.
Second person singular
singular plural
nominative Енмыд (Jenmyd)
accusative I* Енмыд (Jenmyd)
II* Ентӧ (Jentö)
instrumental Еннад (Jennad)
comitative Енмыдкӧд (Jenmydköd)
caritive Ентӧгыд (Jentögyd)
consecutive Енмыдла (Jenmydla)
genitive Енмыдлӧн (Jenmydlön)
ablative Енмыдлысь (Jenmydlyś)
dative Енмыдлы (Jenmydly)
inessive Енмад (Jenmad)
elative Енсьыд (Jenśyd)
illative Енмад (Jenmad)
egressive Енсяньыд (Jenśańyd)
approximative Енланьыд (Jenlańyd)
terminative Енмӧдзыд (Jenmödźyd)
prolative I Енмӧдыд (Jenmödyd)
II Ентіыд (Jentiyd)
*) Animate nouns almost exclusively take the type II accusative ending, whereas inanimate nouns can be used with either ending, but are more often found with type I.
Third person singular
singular plural
nominative Енмыс (Jenmys)
accusative I* Енмыс (Jenmys)
II* Енсӧ (Jensö)
instrumental Еннас (Jennas)
comitative Енмыскӧд (Jenmysköd)
caritive Ентӧгыс (Jentögys)
consecutive Енмысла (Jenmysla)
genitive Енмыслӧн (Jenmyslön)
ablative Енмыслысь (Jenmyslyś)
dative Енмыслы (Jenmysly)
inessive Енмас (Jenmas)
elative Енсьыс (Jenśys)
illative Енмас (Jenmas)
egressive Енсяньыс (Jenśańys)
approximative Енланьыс (Jenlańys)
terminative Енмӧдзыс (Jenmödźys)
prolative I Енмӧдыс (Jenmödys)
II Ентіыс (Jentiys)
*) Animate nouns almost exclusively take the type II accusative ending, whereas inanimate nouns can be used with either ending, but are more often found with type I.
First person plural
singular plural
nominative Енным (Jennym)
accusative I* Енным (Jennym)
II* Еннымӧ (Jennymö)
instrumental Еннаным (Jennanym)
comitative Еннымкӧд (Jennymköd)
caritive Ентӧгным (Jentögnym)
consecutive Еннымла (Jennymla)
genitive Еннымлӧн (Jennymlön)
ablative Еннымлысь (Jennymlyś)
dative Еннымлы (Jennymly)
inessive Енманым (Jenmanym)
elative Енсьыным (Jenśynym)
illative Енманым (Jenmanym)
egressive Енсяньным (Jenśańnym)
approximative Енланьным (Jenlańnym)
terminative Енмӧдзным (Jenmödźnym)
prolative I Енмӧдным (Jenmödnym)
II Ентіным (Jentinym)
*) Animate nouns almost exclusively take the type II accusative ending, whereas inanimate nouns can be used with either ending, but are more often found with type I.
Second person plural
singular plural
nominative Енныд (Jennyd)
accusative I* Енныд (Jennyd)
II* Еннытӧ (Jennytö)
instrumental Еннаныд (Jennanyd)
comitative Енныдкӧд (Jennydköd)
caritive Ентӧгныд (Jentögnyd)
consecutive Енныдла (Jennydla)
genitive Енныдлӧн (Jennydlön)
ablative Енныдлысь (Jennydlyś)
dative Енныдлы (Jennydly)
inessive Енманыд (Jenmanyd)
elative Енсьыныд (Jenśynyd)
illative Енманыд (Jenmanyd)
egressive Енсяньныд (Jenśańnyd)
approximative Енланьныд (Jenlańnyd)
terminative Енмӧдзныд (Jenmödźnyd)
prolative I Енмӧдныд (Jenmödnyd)
II Ентіныд (Jentinyd)
*) Animate nouns almost exclusively take the type II accusative ending, whereas inanimate nouns can be used with either ending, but are more often found with type I.
Third person plural
singular plural
nominative Енныс (Jennys)
accusative I* Енныс (Jennys)
II* Еннысӧ (Jennysö)
instrumental Еннаныс (Jennanys)
comitative Еннымкӧс (Jennymkös)
caritive Ентӧгныс (Jentögnys)
consecutive Еннысла (Jennysla)
genitive Енныслӧн (Jennyslön)
ablative Енныслысь (Jennyslyś)
dative Енныслы (Jennysly)
inessive Енманыс (Jenmanys)
elative Енсьыныс (Jenśynys)
illative Енманыс (Jenmanys)
egressive Енсяньныс (Jenśańnys)
approximative Енланьныс (Jenlańnys)
terminative Енмӧдзныс (Jenmödźnys)
prolative I Енмӧдныс (Jenmödnys)
II Ентіныс (Jentinys)
*) Animate nouns almost exclusively take the type II accusative ending, whereas inanimate nouns can be used with either ending, but are more often found with type I.

See also


  • N. D. Konakov et al. (1999) Мифология Коми [Komi mythology] (Енциклопедия Уральских мифологий), ДИК, page 42
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