


  • IPA(key): /ˈɡuʎeɲ/, [ˈɡuʎeɲ]
  • Hyphenation: Гу‧лень

Proper noun

Гулень • (Guľeń)

  1. A folk hero in Komi mythology, killed by the villagers of Poztykeros for stealing their cattle.


Declension of Гулень (stem: Гулень-)
singular plural
nominative Гулень (Guľeń)
accusative I* Гулень (Guľeń)
II* Гуленьӧс (Guľeńös)
instrumental Гуленьӧн (Guľeńön)
comitative Гуленькӧд (Guľeńköd)
caritive Гуленьтӧг (Guľeńtög)
consecutive Гуленьла (Guľeńla)
genitive Гуленьлӧн (Guľeńlön)
ablative Гуленьлысь (Guľeńlyś)
dative Гуленьлы (Guľeńly)
inessive Гуленьын (Guľeńyn)
elative Гуленьысь (Guľeńyś)
illative Гуленьӧ (Guľeńö)
egressive Гуленьсянь (Guľeńśań)
approximative Гуленьлань (Guľeńlań)
terminative Гуленьӧдз (Guľeńödź)
prolative I Гуленьӧд (Guľeńöd)
II Гуленьті (Guľeńti)
*) Animate nouns almost exclusively take the type II accusative ending, whereas inanimate nouns can be used with either ending, but are more often found with type I.
Possessive declension of Гулень
First person singular
singular plural
nominative Гуленьӧй (Guľeńöj)
accusative I* Гуленьӧй (Guľeńöj)
II* Гуленьӧс (Guľeńös)
instrumental Гуленьнам (Guľeńnam)
comitative Гуленьӧйкӧд (Guľeńöjköd)
caritive Гуленьтӧгым (Guľeńtögym)
consecutive Гуленьӧйла (Guľeńöjla)
genitive Гуленьӧйлӧн (Guľeńöjlön)
ablative Гуленьӧйлысь (Guľeńöjlyś)
dative Гуленьӧйлы (Guľeńöjly)
inessive Гуленям (Guľeńam)
elative Гуленьсьым (Guľeńśym)
illative Гуленям (Guľeńam)
egressive Гуленьсяньым (Guľeńśańym)
approximative Гуленьланьым (Guľeńlańym)
terminative Гуленьӧдзым (Guľeńödźym)
prolative I Гуленьӧдым (Guľeńödym)
II Гуленьтіым (Guľeńtiym)
*) Animate nouns almost exclusively take the type II accusative ending, whereas inanimate nouns can be used with either ending, but are more often found with type I.
Second person singular
singular plural
nominative Гуленьыд (Guľeńyd)
accusative I* Гуленьыд (Guľeńyd)
II* Гуленьтӧ (Guľeńtö)
instrumental Гуленьнад (Guľeńnad)
comitative Гуленьыдкӧд (Guľeńydköd)
caritive Гуленьтӧгыд (Guľeńtögyd)
consecutive Гуленьыдла (Guľeńydla)
genitive Гуленьыдлӧн (Guľeńydlön)
ablative Гуленьыдлысь (Guľeńydlyś)
dative Гуленьыдлы (Guľeńydly)
inessive Гуленяд (Guľeńad)
elative Гуленьсьыд (Guľeńśyd)
illative Гуленяд (Guľeńad)
egressive Гуленьсяньыд (Guľeńśańyd)
approximative Гуленьланьыд (Guľeńlańyd)
terminative Гуленьӧдзыд (Guľeńödźyd)
prolative I Гуленьӧдыд (Guľeńödyd)
II Гуленьтіыд (Guľeńtiyd)
*) Animate nouns almost exclusively take the type II accusative ending, whereas inanimate nouns can be used with either ending, but are more often found with type I.
Third person singular
singular plural
nominative Гуленьыс (Guľeńys)
accusative I* Гуленьыс (Guľeńys)
II* Гуленьсӧ (Guľeńsö)
instrumental Гуленьнас (Guľeńnas)
comitative Гуленьыскӧд (Guľeńysköd)
caritive Гуленьтӧгыс (Guľeńtögys)
consecutive Гуленьысла (Guľeńysla)
genitive Гуленьыслӧн (Guľeńyslön)
ablative Гуленьыслысь (Guľeńyslyś)
dative Гуленьыслы (Guľeńysly)
inessive Гуленяс (Guľeńas)
elative Гуленьсьыс (Guľeńśys)
illative Гуленяс (Guľeńas)
egressive Гуленьсяньыс (Guľeńśańys)
approximative Гуленьланьыс (Guľeńlańys)
terminative Гуленьӧдзыс (Guľeńödźys)
prolative I Гуленьӧдыс (Guľeńödys)
II Гуленьтіыс (Guľeńtiys)
*) Animate nouns almost exclusively take the type II accusative ending, whereas inanimate nouns can be used with either ending, but are more often found with type I.
First person plural
singular plural
nominative Гуленьным (Guľeńnym)
accusative I* Гуленьным (Guľeńnym)
II* Гуленьнымӧ (Guľeńnymö)
instrumental Гуленьнаным (Guľeńnanym)
comitative Гуленьнымкӧд (Guľeńnymköd)
caritive Гуленьтӧгным (Guľeńtögnym)
consecutive Гуленьнымла (Guľeńnymla)
genitive Гуленьнымлӧн (Guľeńnymlön)
ablative Гуленьнымлысь (Guľeńnymlyś)
dative Гуленьнымлы (Guľeńnymly)
inessive Гуленяным (Guľeńanym)
elative Гуленьсьыным (Guľeńśynym)
illative Гуленяным (Guľeńanym)
egressive Гуленьсяньным (Guľeńśańnym)
approximative Гуленьланьным (Guľeńlańnym)
terminative Гуленьӧдзным (Guľeńödźnym)
prolative I Гуленьӧдным (Guľeńödnym)
II Гуленьтіным (Guľeńtinym)
*) Animate nouns almost exclusively take the type II accusative ending, whereas inanimate nouns can be used with either ending, but are more often found with type I.
Second person plural
singular plural
nominative Гуленьныд (Guľeńnyd)
accusative I* Гуленьныд (Guľeńnyd)
II* Гуленьнытӧ (Guľeńnytö)
instrumental Гуленьнаныд (Guľeńnanyd)
comitative Гуленьныдкӧд (Guľeńnydköd)
caritive Гуленьтӧгныд (Guľeńtögnyd)
consecutive Гуленьныдла (Guľeńnydla)
genitive Гуленьныдлӧн (Guľeńnydlön)
ablative Гуленьныдлысь (Guľeńnydlyś)
dative Гуленьныдлы (Guľeńnydly)
inessive Гуленяныд (Guľeńanyd)
elative Гуленьсьыныд (Guľeńśynyd)
illative Гуленяныд (Guľeńanyd)
egressive Гуленьсяньныд (Guľeńśańnyd)
approximative Гуленьланьныд (Guľeńlańnyd)
terminative Гуленьӧдзныд (Guľeńödźnyd)
prolative I Гуленьӧдныд (Guľeńödnyd)
II Гуленьтіныд (Guľeńtinyd)
*) Animate nouns almost exclusively take the type II accusative ending, whereas inanimate nouns can be used with either ending, but are more often found with type I.
Third person plural
singular plural
nominative Гуленьныс (Guľeńnys)
accusative I* Гуленьныс (Guľeńnys)
II* Гуленьнысӧ (Guľeńnysö)
instrumental Гуленьнаныс (Guľeńnanys)
comitative Гуленьнымкӧс (Guľeńnymkös)
caritive Гуленьтӧгныс (Guľeńtögnys)
consecutive Гуленьнысла (Guľeńnysla)
genitive Гуленьныслӧн (Guľeńnyslön)
ablative Гуленьныслысь (Guľeńnyslyś)
dative Гуленьныслы (Guľeńnysly)
inessive Гуленяныс (Guľeńanys)
elative Гуленьсьыныс (Guľeńśynys)
illative Гуленяныс (Guľeńanys)
egressive Гуленьсяньныс (Guľeńśańnys)
approximative Гуленьланьныс (Guľeńlańnys)
terminative Гуленьӧдзныс (Guľeńödźnys)
prolative I Гуленьӧдныс (Guľeńödnys)
II Гуленьтіныс (Guľeńtinys)
*) Animate nouns almost exclusively take the type II accusative ending, whereas inanimate nouns can be used with either ending, but are more often found with type I.

See also


  • N. D. Konakov et al. (1999) Мифология Коми [Komi mythology] (Енциклопедия Уральских мифологий), ДИК, page 45
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