
See also: μscope



μ- + -scope


μ-scope (plural μ-scopes)

  1. Alternative form of μscope as an abbreviation of microscope.
    • 2009 June 27, Prashant Shukla, Mulayam S Gaur, “Thermally Stimulated Discharge Current Spectra and UV-vis Absorption in Polymethylmethacrylate Electret”, in Iranian Polymer Journal, volume 18, number 7, pages 535–541:
      The optical micrographs of the samples were taken by the model inverted phase contrast, μ-scope, Nikon-Eclipse, TE-2000 μ & Nikon Digital camera DXM 1200F.
    • 2012, Lionel Bureau, Muriel Vayssade, “Collapse, Compression, and Adhesion of Poly(N-Isopropylacrylamide) Brushes, Figure 3.1”, in Polymer Brushes: Substrates, Technologies, and Properties, page 52:
      μ-scope obj.
      Abbreviation of "microscope objective".
    • 2014, Mirosław Mączka et al., “Raman and IR Studies of Pressure-and Temperature-Induced Phase Transitions in [(CH2) 3NH2][Zn (HCOO) 3]”, in Inorganic Chemistry:
      In order to reach high pressures, the samples were loaded into a diamond-anvil cell μ-scope DAC HT(S) from Almax easyLab with a diamond of 0.4 mm culets.


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